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Why hire healthcare equipment?
Many hospitals, both private and NHS run, regularly hire / lease healthcare equipment and when you consider the benefits, it seems a perfect solution. 1. Access to the latest equipment without having a large one-off payment If you have a...
A chair you can be Sertain of....
This blog is devoted to quotes on the Sertain™ early mobilisation Chair!    The advanced Hi-Lo chair is ideal for Critical Care, ICU's and any wards where OT and physiotherapy takes place.  The Sertain™ is regularly used to encourage early mobilisation. We also offer...
Healthcare equipment needed urgently for new patient.. sound familiar?
We've heard this story so many times before from OT's we speak to... so much that we made it into a typical Friday afternoon timeline! 1.  A new patient transfer, with quite specific needs.... You need a specialist chair that can...