NHS Supply Chain catalogue
Caremed Alrick is an approved NHS supplier, which means these products are all on the NHS Supply Chain catalogue online, and are available through the NHS Supply Chain website. Where possible, we will aim to deliver the product in 48 hours.
NHS Supply Chain is a non-departmental public body of the National Health Service (NHS) in England and Wales. NHS Supply Chain is responsible for the procurement, storage and distribution of clinical consumables, capital medical equipment and products.
All products are on the NHS Supply Chain catalogue but some can be purchased via the Medical Furniture Framework, simply contact your NHS Supply Chain buyer to obtain a URN.
Please ask one of our team here if you would like a free trial of a multifunctional early mobilisation chair, or if you are just interested in a short term rental to see if the equipment solves your issues ... we are more than happy to prove to you how useful our equipment is!
For our full range catalogue, please click on the image below.
42 products