Lunch and Learn
Here at Caremed we offer a lunch & learn for your department. These mini meetings are a chance to participate in equipment demonstrations and ask questions.
It’s also a chance to discuss new product development and let us know what’s happening in your department and equipment you might need… we have over 900 different pieces of healthcare equipment on offer!
As a thank you for taking the time to talk to us in your lunchbreak, we provide a lunch for you to enjoy whilst demos and Q&A’s take place.
Benefits of a lunch and learn:
Lunch and learns are a great way to provide teams with valuable training and development opportunities in a more informal setting. They can also help to improve morale and promote a culture of learning and collaboration.
- Improved employee morale: Lunch and learns can help to improve team morale by providing them with a chance to learn new things and network with colleagues from other departments.
- Identify gaps in equipment: It gives you a chance to really consider what your department might need both now and in the future by discussing with members of your team.
- Promoting a culture of learning and collaboration: Lunch and learns can help to promote a culture of learning and collaboration by encouraging everyone to share their knowledge and ideas with each other.
- Relevant information: we make sure that the products we bring and the topics we discuss are relevant to the team members who are present - we will discuss with you relevant equipment to bring beforehand.
- Trial of equipment that may benefit your department: At a lunch and learn you may well wish to trial or hire a product to see if it assists your patients and colleagues.
So if you would like to organise a lunch and learn, please get in touch.
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