Low profiling beds for care
Alrick EN9000 Floor Level MHOA Bed (200kg SWL)
The EN9000 is an advanced Floor Level nursing care bed, and breaks with tradition in that it has no end columns and therefore no restrictions. Emergency procedures such as intubation, can take place in the EN9000, in the same way as any other acute care bed.
The ultra-low (100mm) no-column design is not its only unique feature, here are more:
✓ Up to 40cm shorter than other floor beds
✓ A dual safe working load of 200kg or 300kg, simply by swapping handsets
✓ Chair positioning at the touch of a button
✓ Genuine 10 year frame warranty and 5 year Linak warranty
Contact Care-Med today to book your free demo and trial.

Alrick EN9000KS Extra Wide Floor Level MHOA Bed (300kg SWL + 1100mm wide platform)
The EN9000KS is a wider version of the EN9000 bed, and is identical in features and functions but has a platform width of 1100mm. It can be easily configured with a 200KG or 300KG SWL by exchanging the handset.
CM2000 Extra Low Nursing Care Bed
- Safe Working Load – 220 kg / 34 Stone
- Adjustable Height – 220 – 650mm
- 9v Battery Backup
- Low Voltage – 29v
- Wraparound Wooden Head and Foot Boards
- Lockable Handset
- 4 Section Profiling
- CE marke
CM4000 Standard Nursing Care Bed
- Safe Working Load – 220 kg / 34 Stone
- Adjustable Height – 365 – 795mm
- 9v Battery Backup
- Low Voltage – 29v
- Integral Wooden Side Rails
- Wraparound Wooden Head and Foot Boards
- Lockable Handset
- 4 Section Profiling
CM4450STD and CM4450LO Extendable Nursing Care Beds
Both the CM2000 and CM4000 can be upgraded to include an integral slide-out length extension, increasing the length of the mattress platform by 200mm when needed, for taller residents.
CM5000 Bariatric Nursing Care Bed
- Safe Working Load – 381 kg / 60 Stone
- Adjustable Height – 275 – 690mm
- 9v Battery Backup
- Low Voltage – 29v
- Integral Aluminium Side Rails
- Wraparound Wooden Head and Foot Boards
- Lockable Handset
- 4 Section Profiling
- CE marked
CM9000 Floor Level Nursing Care Bed
- Safe Working Load – 185 kg / 29 Stone
- Adjustable Height – 67 – 640mm
- 9v Battery Backup
- Low Voltage – 29v
- Solid Wooden Head and Foot Boards
- Lockable Handset
- 4 Section Profiling
- CE marked
Safety and Compliance.
Side Rail Guidance and Regulations
The use of side rails within hospitals and nursing homes is extensive, aimed at preventing patients and residents from bed fall injuries. The use of rails though, is not without risk. There are many factors affecting the safety of bed rails and Care-Med has a side rail audit programme available for account customers, covering:
- Inspection and audit
- Detailed report showing areas of non-compliance
- Solutions to rectify non-compliance
Let us help steer you through the regulations, and help you achieve full compliance, which ultimately is critical for the safety of your residents. The most recent publication from MHRA* was published in December 2013, and a very useful practical guide has been produced by this government department, covering all aspects of the background to, and reasons for the regulations being introduced, and updated.
Interested in our in-house side rail training session, “It all starts with a life”? Aimed at senior managers and nursing / care staff, this interactive training session is practical and informative and good and bad examples of bed rail set up shown, demonstrating the fine line between compliance (and safety) and non-compliance (injury and harm).
Enquire here
Entrapment Risks
Most of the risks in the use of side rails are around “gaps” and “distances”
- Distance between the top of an uncompressed mattress, to the top of the side rails – should be equal to, or more than 220mm
- Gaps between rails, or between mattress platform and bottom rail – should be less than 120mm
- In the case of rails that are not full length, the gap between the end of the side rail and the headboard – should be less than 60mm
- In the case of rails that are not full length, the gap between the end of the side rail and the footboard – should be less than 60mm, or more than 318mm
- Gap between the open end of side rails and the mattress platform – should be less than 60mm
- Gap between split side rails – should be less than 60mm
- Gap between side rails and mattress, in plan elevation – perform cone test (contact us for details)

Anti-Entrapment Solutions
All of the beds supplied by Care-Med are fully compliant with side rail guidance now in force in the UK, but in the case of older beds still in use, from a variety of manufacturers, many will not be compliant or safe to use in their standard format.
Care-Med has a comprehensive range of products designed to:
- Overcome distances that are too small
- Close up gaps that are too large
- Bring older beds and mattress combinations up to standard
Extended Height Rails: increases height by 185mm. Available in full length or 3/4 length, supplied in pairs.
3-bar bumpers to suit extended height rails
Head and footboard pads – assist with reducing gaps at the end of beds
Mattress cradle – an excellent alternative to a flat underlay mattress, this cradle fills in large gaps at the side of mattresses, ensuring a snug fit against rails