Why do we offer a 7 day trial on our Mobilise CH5 chair?

Why do we offer a 7 day trial on our Mobilise CH5 chair?

We think a trial of our equipment is a really important part of the service we offer.  A Mobilise CH5 care chair is an investment and we want to make sure that the investment is worthwhile.  So here are 7 reasons why we encourage a 7 day trial...

1. Reduced risk.

If you're unsure if the early mobilisation chair is right for you and your department, a trial can help you to reduce the risk of making a purchase or signing a lease agreement that you might regret. We are aware that the chair is an investment, so it needs to be right for you and your team, in your department.

2. Increased confidence.

Once you've tried and tested the Mobilise CH5 care chair you're happy with it, you'll be more confident in your purchase or lease decision.

3. Better understanding.

A trial can help you to better understand the Mobilise CH5 and how it works for/in your department. This can be especially helpful if you're not completely sure what your department's needs are at the start of the trial.

4. A more informed decision.

When you have a better understanding of a product, you can make a more informed decision about whether or not to buy it. This can lead to a better outcome for both you and the seller.

5. Initial training to make sure you understand the chair's full potential

A trial allows us to come in and spend 20 minutes with you and other members of your team to show you the basics of how the chair works, and answer any questions you might have.  This will also help you make a more informed decision at the end of the trial

6. Making sure it works for you

It’s really important to both yourself and us that the chair works for you.  The Mobilise CH5 was developed right here in the UK by both our product development team and input from a number of trusted HCP’s – from ICU nurses to physiotherapists – and is manufactured right here in the UK.  We pride ourselves in being an agile organisation, so if something isn’t working for you, or you would like a slight change; we can do that for you.

7. Customer satisfaction.

HCP’s who are able to try a piece of equipment before they buy it are more likely to be satisfied with their purchase. This can leads to a far more positive long term relationship with us, and allows us to make sure we are able to service and repair the chair – making sure it works to its full potential for the whole of its life.

For a 7 day trial of the Mobilise CH5 #earlymobilisation chair, please contact us here to arrange.