The Arjo Sara Stedy in action

Sara Stedy transfer aid: Revolutionising mobility support for patients

The Sara Stedy aid is a sit-to-stand aid that can be used to help patients and residents transfer from a bed or chair to a standing position. It is a non-powered device that is operated by an HCP.

The Sara Stedy aid has a safe working load of 182kg and includes a number of features that make it a safe and effective way to transfer patients and residents:

Pivoting seat: The seat of the Sara Stedy aid pivots, which makes it easy for the caregiver to transfer the patient or resident from a bed or chair to a standing position.

Handgrips: The Sara Stedy aid has handgrips that the caregiver can use to help lift and support the patient or resident.

Knee support: The Sara Stedy aid has a knee support that can be used to provide extra stability or firm support when the patient or resident cannot fully control their leg movements.

Adjustable height: The Sara Stedy aid is adjustable in height, so it can be used to transfer patients and residents of different sizes.

Manual Handling advantage: The Sara Stedy aid can help to reduce the workload on the HCP by making it easier to transfer patients and residents.

Safety is paramount: The Sara Stedy aid can help to reduce the risk of falls by providing patients and residents with a stable base of support during transfers.

The Sara Stedy can be purchased or rented from us on a weekly or monthly basis. 

We also offer the Alerta Transfer Assist, which has similar features as the Sara Stedy. 

The Transfer Assist has been designed for users that have the ability to stand up from a seated position.   Just like the Arjo Sara Stedy, the transfer aid has a pivoting seat and is ideal for patients with some upper body strength. The safe working load is 200kg, and a short demonstration can be viewed below.

Transfer aids are a valuable tool for helping patients and residents to move more independently and reduce their risk of falls.  Buy or rent, just get in contact with us here