Wireless seat sensors - nurse call integration, or standalone?

Wireless seat sensors - nurse call integration, or standalone?

The wireless seat sensor is a flexible sensor pad for use on static chairs and wheelchairs, and can be carefully positioned to provide the earliest possible warning that chair exit is imminent.

Two examples of how a wireless seat sensor can be used for different exit patterns is below:

  • “Resident A” slides forward out of the chair and tends to slump to the floor. An ideal pad placement would be right at the very back of the seat cushion so that the staff are alerted to this exit, whilst the resident is still in the chair, and the intervention can be to assist them back into the chair rather than a floor rescue.
  • “Resident B” tends to lean forwards from the chair, when agitated, usually attempting to stand up. Often this results in injury, as they fall head first onto the floor. An ideal pad placement would be behind the shoulders, alerting staff of the exit attempt. Intervention can be to reassure and settle them back into the chair, rather than a floor rescue.

 Staff who know the resident best, can use their knowledge of typical exit patterns, to provide intelligent chair seat sensor placement.

Our products can be used as “standalone” or integrated with your Nurse Call System.

Standalone simply means that the sensor is set up with a wireless alarm unit, that can be placed within 30m of the sensor pad, and will set the alarm off when the pad is exited.

Nurse control integration channels the sensor, or multiple sensors, into the central call system, wirelessly through a “jack” plug, placed into the call point in rooms using the RG Pads.

Our different sensors integrate easily into most Nurse Call Systems, to form an integral part of your residents safety programme.

The sensor pads can also be integrated through nurse call, into a pager system – this solution is especially applicable to communal areas. For instance, when residents (using seat sensor for instance) are moved from their bedrooms, into a lounge, the 'alert for chair exit' seamlessly transfers from the call point in the bedroom, to a pager system covering all sensor units in the lounge.